Different stages of our lives
demand different strategies
Our Solutions include...
So why would you need protection?
Well, peace of mind. No one knows the future so where are you vulnerable? What if a spouse becomes unemployed? What if the worst happens? Who pays the bills? How does the family continue on? It doesn't have to be expensive and if you think you don't need it, how would you feel if you had no car insurance?
One of the greatest financial drivers is compound interest. It's where your money gets the toughest workout. Putting money away each month means that you should have something to show for it after a long time. Our distinct investment management approach means you have expertise in making your money work harder than ever for you.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested
Depending on how old you are retirement may seem a very very long way off. One day though, you will get there. Way too many people are reliant on their state pension. For some, it's enough but for most, it's not. Running out of money when you can't work to make more can be avoided. Its never too late and there's always a way.
Running a business is tough. Operations, sales and people usually take all the focus but there are also vulnerable areas that need addressing. How well protected are the key individuals? How well-educated are the entire team on money matters and how well can they be supported? We take a fully holistic view, from the MD to the junior. All can be helped if they know how.
The U.S. President Franklin once write "In this world nothing is certain, except death and taxes"*. He is right of course. Taxes affect us all and looking for smarter way to reduce your taxes is a key area of focus for us. With the right strategy, the main taxes such as Income Tax and Inheritance Tax can be minimised easier than you might imagine.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. Tax relief is dependent on individual circumstances
* Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 1789